Friday, February 24, 2012

What do customers expect?

by Pilar Montejo 08/10/2008

Customer expectations are a very broad subject and probably without a unique answer. But, something that may be happening is, we, suppliers, may be creating those expectations.
So first, we need to understand how our business is making promises. Then, it will be easy understand how customers are creating high expectations.

Customers often create expectations in the following way:
  1. From direct promises: we made them all the time; verbally, written or in internet. A contract, a flyer, website are full of direct promises.
  2. From Indirect promises: For ambiguity, not specific in time and form, and for not controlling customer’s expectation from previous experiences.
  3. From not specifying customer’s role: Sometimes, customer’s role is essential to complete the process. We should remind customer’s role all the time, otherwise we cannot meet our own promises.
    So next time that a promise is made, we should be sure it can be met. How?
    Calculating realistic times with accurate information:
    • How much time would it take to provide the service or complete the product? Really!
    • Do we have all the supplies, equipment and tools? If not, how much time would it take to have them?
    • Is all the personnel involved in the process available? If not, how much time would it take to have them available?
    • How many previous commitment do we have before this new commitment? How long would it take to fulfill them before we can take care of this new requirement?
    • Do we really know the process flow? How much time would it really take to complete the process?
    • Do we have a very open and fluid communication with all the stakeholders involve? If not, what do we need to create it? And How long does it take communicate with them?
    • Add incidental time... Murphy's Law doesn't fail.
    I would recommend these references:
    - Delivering knock your socks off service (series) by Performance Research Associates
    - Cumplir enriquece ... Logre la satisfacción de sus clientes by Víctor Quijano

    Thanks and I hope you find this useful...

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